Scratch-board illustrations from Red Lion Rampant

Pi-Sunyer Naturally

Selected Non-Fiction Works


Pi-Sunyer, Nancy Arny. 2024. Mousekin's Twelve Days of Christmas. NARNY Productions, Montclair, NJ. 

Pi-Sunyer, Nancy Arny. 2017. Mousekin's Twelve Days of Christmas. Shutterfly. [Limitted publication of 20 copies. Out of print.]

Arny, Nancy P. 1972. Glossary (Ed) in Ecology: A Writer's Handbook, by M.T. Arny and C.R.Reaske. Random House, NY. Arny, Mary Travis. 1965. Red Lion Rampant: A History of Essex County, NJ. Illustrated chapter headings done by Nancy P. Arny (aka Nancy Arny Pi-Sunyer).

Extension Publications

Pywell, Nancy A., 1981. Gypsy Moth Facts, Massachusetts Forestry Fact Sheet L254. University of Massachusetts Cooperative Extension Service., Amherst, MA. (*)

Pywell, Nancy A., 1983. What Do You Want From Your Woods? Selecting Goals and Making Plans, Pennsylvania Woodlands #2. The Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension Service, University Park, PA.  (*)  

Pywell, Nancy A., 1983. The How and Why of TSI: forest improvement. Pennsylvania Woodlands #3. The Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension Service, University Park, PA. (*)  

Pywell, Nancy A., 1983. Forest Terminology. Pennsylvania Woodlands #4. The Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension Service, University Park, PA. (*)  

Pywell, Nancy A., 1986. 4-H Adopt-A-Tree Album(4-H project book). Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville,FL.  

Pywell, Nancy A. and D. Mitchell Flinchum, 1988. Common Pines of Florida. . Forest Resources and Conservation Fact Sheet FOR-21. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. (*)  

Pywell, Nancy A., 1996. Spanish Moss and Ball Moss. Forest Resources and Conservation Fact Sheet FRC-43. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. (*)  

Arny, Nancy P., 1996. Common Oaks of Florida, Fact Sheet FOR 51, . Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. (*)


Kossuth, Susan V. and Nancy A. Pywell eds. 1986. Current topics in forest research : emphasis on contributions by women scientists: proceedings of a national symposium, Gainesville, Florida, November 4-6, 1986

Pywell, N. Listen to the Lorax: Resource Messages for Youth, Abstract in Proceedings, Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 6-9, 1987.

Refereed Journal Contributions

Birch, T.W. and Pywell, N.A. 1986. Getting Programs on Target. Feature story in Communicating with Non-industrial Private Forest Land Owners. Journal of Forestry. Dec. 1986.

Pywell, N. A. and D.M. Flinchum. 1986. Forinsys-On Line in Florida. Sidebar to Communicating with Non-Industrial Forest Landowners in Journal of Forestry. Dec. 1986.

(*) indicates illustrations done by Nancy Arny (Pywell) Pi-Sunyer

Published Art Work

 Pi-Sunyer, Nancy A. Cover Illustration. Arts Section: The Montclair Times, Cedar Grove, NJ. April 27, 2016.